Either way, you find your guy; explain your idea and they promise to deliver on it in x number of months. Happy and confident, you pay your 50% deposit on his estimate, sign a loose agreement and part ways eagerly waiting the delivery of your fantastic product.
As time rolls by, whether due to the continuous “next week” promises, or the break down in communication, or worst case scenario, no communication at all, it slowly dawns on you that your product will not be delivered on and that your 50% down payment shall be chalked off as a bad investment.
After a while, communication between you and the tech guy completely dithers off and you move on to the next idea/project slightly scared by this experience. You may even promise to never use a local developer ever again.
In this four-part series I will discuss web application development thereby arming you with enough information to successfully get your software developed from start to finish, with minimal hitches. The four parts are: